Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Look for these 4 things when scoping out a dance studio


The dance studio is a dancer's second home. Beginning as a dancer is about how you train and wherever you train has a lot to do with that!

A great dance studio will give the instruction and resources for your learning, as well as a community of dancers to connect with.

So, how do you know which dance studio is right for you?

Look for these 4 things when scoping out a dance studio.

Instructors, not just choreographers

Look up who trains at the studio. These are the personalities you'll be learning from and practising under. Go through their websites, YouTube channel, and social media.

You'll gain a more prominent sense of their dance styles, backgrounds, and personalities. Once you find a dancer you like, take their class!

The only way to recognise if they're good at teaching is to learn from them.

During the lesson, pay attention to how skilled they are. Do they know how to express their moves? Their intentions?

Can they teach you how to dance, not just what moves to hit? Or are they constantly stumbling around trying to remember their choreography?

The student's growth should be the instructor's #1 priority. And a great studio will curate a roster of instructors who are dedicated to that.

The dance studio's condition & maintenance

Not all floors are created equal wood sprung floors or "floating floors" in a dance room are best for dancers.

They help absorb shock, relieving stress from your bones and joints and preventing injuries. Safety? Check.

Other than floors, the rest of the studio's physical condition is worth considering as well. Clean bathrooms and organized enrollment areas may not make or break your will to take class, but they do represent the studio staff's work ethic and ability. It shows how attentive they are about your experience at their studio as a whole. It's like when you put in the effort to take a shower and put on a nice outfit – doing or not doing it doesn't make you ugly or beautiful, but it does show that you can take care of yourself. The same way, notice the ways that a studio keeps you, the customer, in mind.

Reasonable pricing

Average costs of classes will vary by area. A good way to gauge if it's reasonable is by comparing it to the cost of similar classes in other studios in your area. If a drop-in at one place is Rs. 2000, and another is Rs. 10000, then you'll want to choose the more affordable studio. Especially if you're strapped for cash. But if it comes down to Rs.2000 class vs. a Rs.3000 class – go for the one with quality instruction and a better experience.

If the studio delivers value that's worth the cost, then I would go with the Rs.1000extra dollars. Spending Rs.2000 on an underwhelming experience isn't a bargain, it's a waste of your money and time. More bang for your buck > less bang for fewer bucks.

Training programs

Programs offer structure in your dance training particularly if you're a newcomer to a style. This way, you don't have to wonder if you're in the right class. You'll take a sequence of classes intended to take you to your goal, whether that's to lose weight through cardio hip hop or learn ballroom dance. A lot of studios strictly do drop-in classes, but you can look for one that offers adult or teen programs that were made specifically for a dancer like you! Enrolling in a program also pushes you to keep going to the studio, instead of relying on whether or not you feel like dancing that day. There are several amazing, resourceful dance studios out there that can become your home base as a dancer. Make sure to keep your requirements and wants in mind when choosing which one to give your business to! And if there aren't many dance studios in your area... You can always train at SSDA if you are in Mumbai or connect through the online platforms as well. There are many young people in India.


With good infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology, at least in big cities, we have easy access to television and the Internet around the world. This has brought information and knowledge about different cultures, world trends, world music, dance and more to millions of Indians over the last two decades.

Hip-hop culture from a music and dance perspective began to influence young people in India in the early 90's, and insights into hip-hop began to emerge in the Indian pop music and Bollywood film industries. Since then, hip-hop music and dance have grown in India. The popularity of hip-hop as a form of dance can be seen in numerous dance reality shows that have recently flooded Indian television. As a dance format, Hip Hop is now a combination of different professional, experimental and freestyle dances. Mumbai attracts young people from all over the country to bring the unique taste of hip-hop dance to the table. This created an interesting genre of hip-hop in Mumbai. Of course, this is strongly influenced by Western media, music videos, movies and television. It includes not only the show, but also a contemporary touch of Bollywood and India. In recent years, many dance schools have been created in Mumbai to teach and promote hip hop. This is a good sign for hip-hop fans and anyone looking to explore the culture of this new era.


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